Maegan Dougherty Photography » NJ Birth and Family Photographer

You’re My Sweetheart – Bergen County Family Photographer

I keep writing and deleting.  I’m not sure what to write because I loved this lifestyle family photo shoot so much.  The art on the walls.  The dancing and singing together.  The parents who completely enjoyed each other and their little girl, and let this be the kind of child-led time that I believe makes the most successful photo shoot.  A successful photo shoot to me is as much about allowing a wonderful experience for the family as it is about creating beautiful photographs.  A comfortable and fun experience leads to beautiful photographs.

I look at these pictures and feel full of joy, as I see and remember the joy radiating from this family while they are simply being themselves, enjoying each other at home.

The mom here, Angela, is an amazing yoga instructor, and I learned from her that even my plus-size model self  🙂  can do yoga.  During my yoga sessions with her, Angela knew exactly what my body and my mind needed.  She’s like a ray of light, and made me feel able and strong.  You can find her teaching schedule, and much inspiration, on her blog.

Doris B. Muller-Schroeder - May 29, 2013 - 2:41 pm

Every picture is just PERFECT! I wish you were around when my children were little!

Angela Cays - May 29, 2013 - 8:50 pm

We were so blessed to get to do this and have these moments captured by Maegan. I feel like she reveals our best selves. To be shown that light in our family is such a gift. I can’t say enough about how amazing she is during the shoot. We are beyond thrilled with the results.

Ana Sorce - May 29, 2013 - 9:13 pm

Beautiful photos! Beautiful people.

Cynthia Imperatore - May 29, 2013 - 10:45 pm

Maegan, I am blessed to be close friends with the above family, knowing and enjoying each member for their specials gifts and for the beauty of who they each are. And let me say, I am so impressed with your ability! You have TRULY captured their spirit as a family and the many moods and amazing delight of the little one. It is just like sitting in their home with them! WELL DONE! Wonderful photos!

Maegan Dougherty - May 30, 2013 - 2:27 am

Thank you so much, Cynthia! What a wonderful compliment!

Mary Wright Lenhart - May 31, 2013 - 8:32 pm

What beautiful pictures Angela! She is getting so big and grown up.