Maegan Dougherty Photography » NJ Birth and Family Photographer

My Jasper

When I decided last night to blog about Jasper today, I planned to take some new pictures of him.  The day passed quickly without my camera (while we enjoyed every minute of it), so I decided to pick some of my favorites of Jasper during his first five months.  And since sometimes it’s a lot easier to make a list instead of writing paragraphs, here are some of the wonderful things about my irresistible tiny love.

1. How big he opens his mouth when he smiles, especially at his daddy.

2. The way he rolls on his side and puts his head way back when he’s sleepy and I lay him down is his Pack ‘N Play next to our bed.

2.5. The way he snuggles against his daddy or Xander or me when he’s in bed with us.

3. His determination to put his pacifier back in his mouth after he pulls it out.

4. The way he stares at his hands with total awe.

5. The way he stares up at me when I’m holding him.

6. When I’m talking to someone else and I look at him and he’s smiling at me.

7. Everything about the way he and Xander are together.

8. Knowing we get to experience all the exciting firsts and special moments with Jasper that we have with Xander in his first three years.

There are so many more things and I’m excited to share thoughts and pictures more often going forward.

Brand new.

This Brookstone pillow was Xander’s favorite napping spot, too.

Most of the picture we have of the boys together are in bed.  We love bed.

Just over two months old.  I love the pictures from this day.

I can’t believe I’m this lucky.



Bielka - July 18, 2012 - 6:40 am

He is adorable Maegan. God Bless!…Love those eyes 🙂