Maegan Dougherty Photography » NJ Birth and Family Photographer

My Boys

Xander learned how to write his name last week.  🙂  And Jasper is learning how to talk.  He says dada, mom, hi, baa (bye, accompanied by a wave), baby, ba (ball), arf (like a dog) and me me (as in I or me).  Today he said moo (like a cow) and he’s working on no and yeah.  He’s been communicating really well without words, using the sign for more and a lot of pointing and nodding.  It’s so fun to hear his sweet voice as he figures out how to form the words with his cute little mouth.

We’re having a fun fall!

Doris B. Muller-Schroeder - November 13, 2013 - 5:06 am

Miss seeing these little guys – they are growing sooo fasr!

Marie Sullivan - November 13, 2013 - 5:42 am

So sweet! Miss those cute faces… and your! xo