My friend Jennifer…
She is one of the most loving, thoughtful, caring people I know. She is the kind of friend who drops off surprise gifts and sends texts to say she cares, and to remind me that I’m awesome. 🙂 Who wants to bring me a meal when I know I am getting a lot more self care than she is, and I should be the one making her a meal. She thinks of others before herself. The patience and playfulness she shows her kids inspires me. She is a creator and a nurturer and a teacher. She values her children for the people they are, and the love they feel from and for her is completely visible in their interactions.
So to be there for the birth of her third baby was an absolute honor and joy for me. It was leap year, and baby Carter was born on February 29th. Soon he will be one!
Would you like to see more photographs of Carter’s Family?
Expecting Baby #3
Childhood Summer
Are you expecting a baby?
If you are interested in Ridgewood birth photography at Valley Hospital or your home, or in pregnancy and newborn photography, I would love to connect with you. I photograph births and families in Bergen County and surrounding areas of NJ and NYC.